Statement about ownership of SAMAGRA [download pdf]
Taxonomic studies on some Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) associated with Xylophagous beetle Demonax decorus Gahan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Kerala (India) with descriptions of five new species. T.C. Narendran, K. Rajmohana, A. Peter and C. Bijoy. 3-22. [download pdf]
The genus Bazzania (Marchantiophyta) in Kerala (India). K.M. Manjula, V. Vidya and C.N. Manju. 23-27. [download pdf]
Symphyodon complanatus Dixon (Sematophyllaceae: Moss) a new record for Kerala (India). K.P. Rajesh, B. Mufeed and C.N. Manju. 28-30. [download pdf]
Science and art: some random thoughts. K.S. Manilal. 31-42. [download pdf]
Dr Sir Hari Singh Gour and the Simon Commission. K.S. Manilal. 43-45. [download pdf]
Periodic table of phonemes in Malayalam. K. Sugathan. 46-47. [download pdf]
Editor’s pick: Queen Beatrix of the Dutch Monarchy abdicated. K.S. Manilal. 48. [download pdf]
The Frontispiece drawing of Hortus Malabaricus. Manilal, K.S. 1-11 [view] [download pdf]
Hungarian Theologians Associated with Hortus Malabaricus. Manilal, K.S. 12-23 1-11 [view] [download pdf]
An analysis of the data on the medicinal plants recorded in Hortus Malabaricus. Manilal, K. S. and Remesh, M. (24-72) [ View]
Indigenous knowledge of fishfolk of Kerala. Mathur, P.R.G. (1-10) [view] [download pdf]
Sacred groves and serpentine worship in Palakkad District, Kerala: a socio-cultural perspective. Murugan, K. and Ramachandran, V.S. (11-17) [view] [download pdf]