Friday, December 26, 2014

SAMAGRA Volume10 

Volume 10 [2014] Published on 26 December 2013  (ISSN 0973-3906 print)

Front cover [download pdf]
Front cover inner [download pdf]
Back cover inner [download pdf]
Contents [download pdf]
Statement about ownership of SAMAGRA [download pdf]

Rites and Rituals in Kaumarabhrtya or Child Health Care in Ayurveda - A Treatise. Reena, B.K. & P. Narayanan Nambodiri. 3 -7 [download pdf]
Notes on Indian Philosophy: Saamkhya Tattvam and the Life Forces. Ramavarma Sripathy Prasad. 8-43. [download pdf]

Prof. T.C. Narendran, an ever inspiring Guru of Taxonomy. K.P. Rajesh. 44. [download pdf]

Thursday, December 26, 2013

SAMAGRA Volume 9

Volume 9 [2013] Published on 26 December 2013 (ISSN 0973-3906 print)

Front cover [download pdf]
Front cover inner [download pdf]
Back cover [download pdf]

Contents [download pdf
Statement about ownership of SAMAGRA  [download pdf]

Taxonomic studies on some Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) associated with Xylophagous beetle Demonax decorus Gahan (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from Kerala (India) with descriptions of five new species. T.C. Narendran, K. Rajmohana, A. Peter and C. Bijoy. 3-22. [download pdf]

The genus Bazzania (Marchantiophyta) in Kerala (India). K.M. Manjula, V. Vidya and C.N. Manju. 23-27. [download pdf]

Symphyodon complanatus Dixon (Sematophyllaceae: Moss) a new record for Kerala (India). K.P. Rajesh, B. Mufeed and C.N. Manju. 28-30. [download pdf]

Science and art: some random thoughts. K.S. Manilal. 31-42. [download pdf]

Dr Sir Hari Singh Gour and the Simon Commission. K.S. Manilal. 43-45. [download pdf]

Periodic table of phonemes in Malayalam. K. Sugathan. 46-47. [download pdf]

Editor’s pick: Queen Beatrix of the Dutch Monarchy abdicated. K.S. Manilal. 48. [download pdf]

Sunday, November 18, 2012

SAMAGRA Volume 7 & 8


Volume 8 [2012] Published on 15 November 2012

Front Cover [view] [download pdf]
Back Cover [view] [download pdf]
Front inner cover [view] [download pdf]

Editorial 1 [view] [download pdf]
Contents 2 [view] [download pdf]
Sikhism in Kerala - A Forgotten Chapter in the Social History of the State. K.S. Manilal (3-10) [view] [download pdf]
Vyasa - the originator of Heliocentric theory. C. Krishnan Namboodiri (11-12) [view] [download pdf]
Musical Instruments in Ancient India. Sini, T.K. (13-14) [view] [download pdf]
Soma. Sudheesh Namboodiri (14) [view]  [download pdf]
Plant Resources of Kerala: Scope for Exploring Promising Natural Products. Reneela, P. and M. Remesh (15-19) [view] [download pdf]
Present status of Bryophyte diversity in Kerala. Manju, C.N. and K.P. Rajesh (20-27) [view] [download pdf]
Status of Lichen diversity in Kerala, India. Stephen Sequiera (28-39) [view] [download pdf]
Editor’s pick: Gaekwar of Baroda and the beginning of the end of British Rule in India. K.S. Manilal (40-43) [view] [download pdf]
Distribution, Uses and Conservation Status of Palm Resources in the Andaman & Nicobar Archipelago. V. B. Sreekumar (44-50) [view][download pdf]
Horaglanis abdulkalami, a new hypogean blind catfish (Siluriformes: Clariidae) from Kerala, India. K. K. Subash Babu (51-56) [view]  [download pdf]

Back inner cover: [view] [download]
 Prof. K.S. Manilal honoured with the “Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau”
 Fellowship from Linnean Society of London to Dr. Mamiyil Sabu
Volume 7 [2011]

Front cover [view] [download pdf]
Front inner [view] [download pdf]
Back cover [view] [download pdf]

Tantrika, Mantrika, Yaaga Hertiage of Kerala: A brief Overview. K.S. Manilal (1-7) [view] [download pdf]
The rice landrace Oryza sativa Linn. cv. Navara in Kerala - A review. Shynimary Varghese and Maya, C. Nair (8-15) [view] [download pdf]
Medicinal Bamboos of Kerala, India. M. Remesh and Muktesh Kumar (16-20) [view] [download pdf]

Brahmaputra: as a River and Legend (Based on Mahabharata text). Prajini, T.G. (21-24) [view] [download pdf]
Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge on Paddy Cultivation in Kuttanad, Kerala. Unnikrishnan, N. (25-28) [view] [download pdf]
Bryophyte diversity of the Western Ghats – an appraisal. Manju C.N. (29-44) [view] [download pdf]
Life Members of CRIKSC. (45-48) [view] [download pdf]

Back inner cover: [view] [download pdf]
Best vedic book award to Sri. Sudheesh Namboodiri
CRIKSC Publications

Monday, December 6, 2010


                         ISSN 0973-3906 (print)

Volume 5&6 [2009-2010]

The Frontispiece drawing of Hortus Malabaricus. Manilal, K.S. 1-11 [view] [download pdf]
Hungarian Theologians Associated with Hortus Malabaricus. Manilal, K.S. 12-23 1-11 [view] [download pdf]
An analysis of the data on the medicinal plants recorded in Hortus Malabaricus. Manilal, K. S. and Remesh, M. (24-72) [ View

    Volume 3&4 [2007-2008]

     Message from the Chairman (1) [view] [download pdf]
    Astrology. K.H. Nambudiripad (2-4) [view] [download pdf]
    Socio-Economic Aspects of Conservation. K.S. Manilal (5-11) [view] [download pdf]
    Ethnic knowledge system on bees and apiculture by the Kanikkars of Southern Western Ghats- Kerala. Maya C. Nair (12-19) [view] [download pdf]
    Philosophy, Science and practice: basic issues. P.V. Unnikrishnan (20-21) [view] [download pdf]
    Edison & Veda (22) [view] [download pdf]
    CRIKSC Publications (23) [view] [download pdf]
    Life members of CRIKSC (24-28) [view] [download pdf]
    Volume 2 [2006]

    Indigenous knowledge of fishfolk of Kerala. Mathur, P.R.G. (1-10) [view] [download pdf]
    Sacred groves and serpentine worship in Palakkad District, Kerala: a socio-cultural perspective. Murugan, K. and Ramachandran, V.S. (11-17) [view] [download pdf]
    Safeguarding and promoting tribal indigenous knowledge. Sahu, T.R. (18-22) [view] [download pdf]
    The foster children of darkness. Jayahari, K.M. (22-23) [view] [download pdf]
    Passive solar cooling in a building with brick mansonry for monsoon with short dry season. Bajpai, U. and Mourya, A. (24-27) [view] [download pdf]

    Statement about SAMAGRA (28) [view] [download pdf]

    Volume 1 [2005]

    Editorial (1) [view] [download pdf]
    Annual Report (2003-2004, 2004-2005) (2-3) [view] [download pdf]
    CRIKSC Activities( 4) [view] [download pdf]
    One day seminar on “Buddhist Heritage of Kerala” (4) [view] [download pdf]
    Bye-Law of CRIKSC (5-10) [view] [download pdf]
    Herbal scan: Fuel of future (10) [view] [download pdf]
    Nature at work in nano-technology (16) [view] [download pdf]
    Grass civilizations (20) [view] [download pdf]
    Indian knowledge systems- the notion of linear progression. Rajendran, C. (11-14) [view] [download pdf]
    An Indigenous water engineering system from the rice bowl of Kerala. Ramachandran, V.S. (15-16) [view] [download pdf]
    Approaches in Indigenous Knowledge. Remesh, M. (17-20) [view] [download pdf]
    Einstein and India – Some thoughts in the International Year of Physics. Manilal, K.S. (21-26) [view] [download pdf]
    Towards a negative methodology. Unnikrishnan, P.V. (27-28) [view] [download pdf]
    CRIKSC Publications 2003-2005 (29) [view] [download pdf]
    Life members of CRIKSC (30-32) [view] [download pdf]
    News Scan [inner side of back cover] [view] [download pdf]
    IAPT Research Grant Award 2005 to Mr. P. Sunojkumar
    Kerala Science Congress Young Scientist Award 2005 to Dr. Stephan Sequiera
    Prof. K.S. Manilal honoured with Swadeshi Saasthra Puraskaram 2004
    Ramakrishna Sanskrit award to Prof. C. Rajendran
    Chair of Taxonomy award to Prof. M. Sivadasan
    Emeritus Professorship to Prof. T.C. Narendran