Sunday, November 18, 2012

SAMAGRA Volume 7 & 8


Volume 8 [2012] Published on 15 November 2012

Front Cover [view] [download pdf]
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Editorial 1 [view] [download pdf]
Contents 2 [view] [download pdf]
Sikhism in Kerala - A Forgotten Chapter in the Social History of the State. K.S. Manilal (3-10) [view] [download pdf]
Vyasa - the originator of Heliocentric theory. C. Krishnan Namboodiri (11-12) [view] [download pdf]
Musical Instruments in Ancient India. Sini, T.K. (13-14) [view] [download pdf]
Soma. Sudheesh Namboodiri (14) [view]  [download pdf]
Plant Resources of Kerala: Scope for Exploring Promising Natural Products. Reneela, P. and M. Remesh (15-19) [view] [download pdf]
Present status of Bryophyte diversity in Kerala. Manju, C.N. and K.P. Rajesh (20-27) [view] [download pdf]
Status of Lichen diversity in Kerala, India. Stephen Sequiera (28-39) [view] [download pdf]
Editor’s pick: Gaekwar of Baroda and the beginning of the end of British Rule in India. K.S. Manilal (40-43) [view] [download pdf]
Distribution, Uses and Conservation Status of Palm Resources in the Andaman & Nicobar Archipelago. V. B. Sreekumar (44-50) [view][download pdf]
Horaglanis abdulkalami, a new hypogean blind catfish (Siluriformes: Clariidae) from Kerala, India. K. K. Subash Babu (51-56) [view]  [download pdf]

Back inner cover: [view] [download]
 Prof. K.S. Manilal honoured with the “Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau”
 Fellowship from Linnean Society of London to Dr. Mamiyil Sabu
Volume 7 [2011]

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Front inner [view] [download pdf]
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Tantrika, Mantrika, Yaaga Hertiage of Kerala: A brief Overview. K.S. Manilal (1-7) [view] [download pdf]
The rice landrace Oryza sativa Linn. cv. Navara in Kerala - A review. Shynimary Varghese and Maya, C. Nair (8-15) [view] [download pdf]
Medicinal Bamboos of Kerala, India. M. Remesh and Muktesh Kumar (16-20) [view] [download pdf]

Brahmaputra: as a River and Legend (Based on Mahabharata text). Prajini, T.G. (21-24) [view] [download pdf]
Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge on Paddy Cultivation in Kuttanad, Kerala. Unnikrishnan, N. (25-28) [view] [download pdf]
Bryophyte diversity of the Western Ghats – an appraisal. Manju C.N. (29-44) [view] [download pdf]
Life Members of CRIKSC. (45-48) [view] [download pdf]

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Best vedic book award to Sri. Sudheesh Namboodiri
CRIKSC Publications